Lip Fillers
Luscious Lips, Lasting Beauty. Enhance, Define,
Rejuvenate with Hyaluronic Acid Fillers.

What to Expect From Lip Fillers
Some people are born with thinner lips, others see their lips loose volume and their lips become thinner over time and some people see vertical lip lines. Whether you want fuller plumper lips or subtle volume, synergy offers all the various options.
It is recommended to avoid blood thinners 2 weeks prior to lip injections.
Alcohol, aspirin, aleve, motrin, fish oil, to reduce the risk of bruising.
How Long Will Lip Filler Last?
3 months to one year, depending on metabolism . Kysee can last up to one year or longer.
How Painful is Lip Filler?
We use a strong topical numbing cream, and the filler has lidocaine, a numbing agent built into the HA gel.
Patient’s are generally comfortable during the procedure. However, pain levels can vary from one person to another. Ice is also used for comfort during the treatment process.
A more radiant, better aging you, is just an appointment away!
Text us: 951-581-0532